Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trip to Denver and Julie's Wedding

After we spent some time in Loveland with Mamaw, we made our way down to Denver to see some friends and for Julie's wedding. For those of you who didn't know Elizabeth was a flower girl in the wedding. We had a crazy, fun and very busy week while we were there. We were trying to see everyone and spend some time with the Miller's while helping them with wedding stuff and taking care of our two girls. We made it, the girls were troopers and we got to see most everyone. Whew!

As far as the wedding went, it was beautiful and very well organized and thought out. And if you were wondering...Elizabeth did NOT walk down the aisle. She did great at the rehearsal and was all prepped and ready but once she saw all those people starring at her and cameras flashing she decided that she didn't want to go. Richard carried her most of the way and then she walked the rest of the way to me. I tried everything to coax her down the aisle but none of my tricks worked. Oh well, I suppose that is what you get with a two year old. Thankfully Julie was well aware that might happen and was more than okay with it. In the midst of it all Elizabeth looked cute as ever and ended up having tons of fun dancing at the reception (I don't have any pictures of it though...bummer). She was in the center of the circle dancing and everyone was cheering her on, she probably could have danced all night, but we figured we would avoid a melt down and get the girls home and to bed. (Besides we had to leave early in the morning to head home.)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Elizabeth's Second Birthday

We once again split Elizabeth's birthday into two celebrations. We were at home and celebrated with Gigi and our neighbor's before we had to head off to Colorado. It was all about Mickey Mouse at Gigi's house, and Elizabeth just started to realize what it all meant. Then all she could talk about for a few weeks was "birthday cake", she thought her birthday should go on and on forever. Here are a few pictures from the first celebration.

Then we packed up and headed back to the beautiful mountains of Colorado! Oh how we miss it!! We drove through the night to get there hoping that the girls would sleep all night. Well...that was an adventure. Elizabeth is so used to sleeping in her own room that she was too distracted with the fact that Mommy and Daddy were right there. So she slept off and on through the night. Not too mention it was really hard for us to sleep when we weren't driving and hard to stay awake when we were. We opted for a daytime drive on the way back. Anyway, we got to Loveland to spend the weekend with Richard's mom (Mamaw) and the girls loved their time with her (and I think she enjoyed it too). We had another birthday celebration there with family, and let's just say that Elizabeth is in baby doll heaven. She got everything she needs so she can take care of her baby doll just the way Mommy takes care of Sarah. Here are a few pics from this celebration...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All smiles and a visit from Papa

Well, we are starting to settle into more of a routine with 2 kiddos. I don't think I realized how much of an adjustment it would be. Of course most of the time they both want/need something at the same time inevitably, so we are all learning patience. Elizabeth really is doing great. She loves her baby sister and is constantly kissing on her and asking to pick her up and then she tries to do it, and says she is "heavy". Of course you have to keep in mind that she evens says her books are heavy sometimes. I often say that 95% of the time Elizabeth loves her sister and wants to play with her. However there are sometimes that she tells me "sister, down" or "sister, bouncy seat" she wants me to put her down so that I can play with her. I find myself almost longing for the times that they can play together. I imagine that Elizabeth is just going to light up when Sarah starts responding to her.

Sarah is a joy and starting to "talk" more and more and her smiles are wonderful. We are still trying to capture a good one when she has her tongue all the way out and smiling at the same time. She is now starting to sleep through the night more. I don't count on it yet, but when it happens, I count my blessings! Of course, last week when she slept through the night 3 nights in a row, Elizabeth was up, ARGH!!! Here are some pictures for you to see the girls.

Visit from Grandma Parkes aka Mamaw

Shortly after Sarah was born Richard's Mom came to spend some time with her granddaughters and to help out. This was a great time for Elizabeth, she loved having her Mamaw here and playing with her. She is really starting to understand family and who everyone is in her life which is so much fun. Here are a few pics from that time.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sarah Marie's Grand Entrance

JULY 3, 2008
10:04 AM
8 LBS 1 OZ

After much long awaited anticipation, she made her entrance in only 3 hours of labor. Much different from her big sister (18 hours)! Elizabeth is doing great with her and just trying to adjust to not having Mommy all to herself. She loves to give Sarah kisses and always goes to find her when she is crying.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summertime Fun

We have been trying to really be out and enjoy things so far this summer. Once this baby comes we are not sure how much we are going to be able to do. We have made a trip to the zoo with some friends from church, Richard and Elizabeth have gone on a bike ride, we have had a couple of days at the pool and Elizabeth has decided that she is going to be like her Daddy and start reading some BIG books.

Richard was sitting on the couch reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and Elizabeth decided she wanted to get up there and sit next to him. She said "book, read" to him so he read to her a little bit and stopped and then she asked for more. So he read a little more. He closed the book and she took it, opened it and started to read it for herself. It was quite entertaining.

Reading Daddy's book

Zoo with Baker and Mindy

Bike ride with Daddy

Vacation to Branson

Back about a month ago we took a little trip to Branson to see my Dad and just to get away a little bit. We had a really good time. We went to Silver Dollar City with my friend Stephanie and her 2 girls and just explored things a little. This was a much needed get away after having our house struck by lightning and before the baby comes. Elizabeth had a lot of fun with her Papa and wanted to always make sure he was in her sights. If he wasn't she got a little worried and just kept asking for him. Here are a few pictures from our trip.


This spring and summer we have discovered that one of Elizabeth's favorite things is to play in the water. Any water really. It doesn't matter if it is a puddle or a drip from a faucet, once she sees it you can't pull her away. So enjoy the pictures of her water times. It is almost a nightly ritual now.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well for those of you who haven't heard, we were officially welcomed to Oklahoma and the weather that comes with it. On May 2nd at about 2:30am we were awakened to an awful sound. For those of you who haven't ever heard what lightning sounds like...I hope you never do. However, at the time we didn't think much else of it because everything appeared to be working just fine. Then Richard went to leave for work and found it...our house had been struck by lightning.

Thankfully, our house is still standing and when you think about what could have happened, we were very blessed! It hit above our garage and that is just attic, so we didn't have to move out of our house. It blew out our garage door opener, security system, upstairs heat/ac, one light switch, and it did something to our phone line/internet (still trying to get that one resolved). We also has it blow out tons of drywall in the garage and there were bricks everywhere. Other than that we were fine, and we have insurance!!!